Nelson Mandela Day Charity Drive

In honour of Nelson Mandela and keeping his legacy alive we are doing something special for the children of Alnoor Orphanage in Woodstock and are offering you the opportunity to help give back.

The Spiritgirl team have partnered with Swift Momentum recruitment firm to take the kids of the orphanage to Jump Around Trampoline Park on Mandela day for a bit of fun with their friends.
Both companies will host a charity drive on our social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. The orphanage desperately need blankets, clothes, uniforms and funds for the children as they’re not funded by the government.
The collection will start on Mandela Day, the 18th July and end on the 18th August. We will end the charity drive by dropping off all the goods collected and together with Wellness For Kids host a kiddies yoga class and wellness workshop at the orphanage centre.
If you have any old blankets, shoes, clothes or uniforms that you would like to donate then you can deliver it to Swift Momentum Unit 2, The Stockyard, 3 Ravenscraid Rd, Wooodstock, 7925.
If you would like to make a monetary donation you can find payment link here.
- AL-NOOR OPRHANAGE CENTRE is a registered non-profit organization NPO-028-544 and a registered welfare childrens home No: 5/5/20/2/1C6887, public benefit institution Reg No: 0074/4/529/15/7 established 2001. Al-Noor does not receive any subsidy from government and rely solely on good hearted individuals and from companies for sustenance.
- The main aim of AL-NOOR ORPHANAGE is to protect vulnerable orphans; HIV/AIDS infected & affected & abused children by providing them with accommodation, education, medical, cultural and human basic needs.